
7. What is my place in your heart? Do I have a place in your heart? Do you ever carry me in your heart? 你心裡有我的存在嗎? 你有把我放在心上嗎?

8. I regret everything I’ve done. 我對我曾作過的工作感應很忏悔 翻譯社

9. I have a broken heart. My heart is broken. My heart has started to wither. 我心碎了。

10. He is a player. 他是個花心 翻譯翻譯社他是個隨處留情的人。(套句如今風行的用語:他是玩咖!)

11. Let’s break up. I want to split up. I want to end our relationship. 我們分手吧!

※溝通的意思有諺語可以表達:Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
14. You will always have a place in my heart. You are here in my heart. 你在我心中永久都占有一席之地。

15. You are the love of me. You will always be the one for me. 你是我生命中 翻譯獨一 翻譯社

16. I am finished with you. I am done with you. 我已受夠你了。(透露表現要分手了 翻譯社)

17. Short absence quickens love; long absence kills it. 諺語:小別勝新婚、久別愛不在。

5. It would be better for us to be friends rather than lovers. 我們仍是對照合適做伴侶。

6. Who is his mistress? Who is he having an affair with? 他和誰有外遇?

12. Don’t blow me off. 別馬虎我。別呼嚨我。

Languages in Love

※ Have a thing 會因為用在不同的情境有分歧的意思。比如在不愉快
翻譯對話中,這邊就默示我對某人心裡有些疙瘩。如果用在示意我跟某人曩昔有一段情,可以說:Joseph and I 翻譯公司 we used to have a thing in college. 我跟Joseph大學時期有在一起過。)

cheat on someone 對或人不忠

the third wheel 第三者;電燈膽 (第三個輪子是多餘 翻譯,所以這邊可以當作圈外人或電燈膽)
※ 增補:
※ be filled with/ be full of 充滿著
3. Love is blind. 愛情是盲目 翻譯 翻譯社

※ absence 就是缺席,不在身邊的意思。短時候的別離會加溫豪情,長時候的分袂則會抹殺它 翻譯社
※彌補一下,被或人甩,被或人分手:He dumped me. 他甩了我。他跟我分手了 翻譯社
have an affair with someone 和或人有婚外情
※ have/ has a crush on someone 暗戀或人

1. He has a crush on a girl in our class. 他暗戀我們班上的一個女生

※ 課本是Nini花許多時間收拾整頓 翻譯,希望大家都可以一路開心學英文 ^^ word檔在這邊,按右鍵下載就能夠囉~
mistress (n.) 情婦
13. I kind of like you. I have feelings for you. I like you more than a friend. I have a thing about you. 我對你成心思 翻譯社我對你有朋侪之外的感受。。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯

※增補一下,真正 翻譯劈腿動作叫作splits: Can you do the splits? 你會劈叉嗎?

two- time (v.) 劈叉 ( John two- times Jenny. John is a two timer. John對Jenny情緒不忠. 他是個虧心漢。)

★Languages in Love 愛情裡 翻譯千言萬語★

失戀的情歌老是最能唱進我們的心 翻譯社戀愛裡,我們總有千言萬語想要對另外一半說。豈論是剛開始的暗戀、在一路後 翻譯甜蜜、爭吵,或者分手後的疾苦。這些感情的過程都是值得回味的。今天就讓我們來學一些和愛情有關的英文吧~
2. My life is filled with hope because of you. 我的生活因為你而充滿但願。

the third party 第三者

※blow (someone) off 敷衍

4. You are perfect in love. 戀人眼裡出西施

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