開學前夜,無人不為了拿到足夠的「學分數」course credits / units傷透腦子。在選課時(course selection),要注重你選修 翻譯「課程」course包括幾個學分,免得高興 翻譯排個周休三日的「課表」class schedule,卻沒到達學分「下限」minimum,接下來的學期可能就會慘兮兮、乃至畢不了業;固然也千萬別一口吻「選」了sign up / register 太多課,讓本身課太重(course load too heavy),效果學期末考太差,一科學分也沒賺到、得不償失!
marsha: probably chopra.
bradley: wow, just the minimum. i’m thinking about signing up for 48.
marsha: remember, popular classes fill up fast. and you still have two weeks to drop classes if you change your mind.
bradley: how many units are you taking this term?
bradley: chopra? i hear his accent is really hard to understand.
bradley: hey, my roommate is a native speaker. he also says chopra is a tough grader.
bradley: my roommate—he had him for another class.
大概是喬普拉吧 翻譯社
太好了,我想有挑戰性一點 翻譯社橫豎我也不籌算修營養學分。
我知道。我一個鐘頭後要跟指點教授碰頭 翻譯社我只是擔心課太重了。
。-> 翻譯社|,-> 翻譯公司|的-> 翻譯那妳這學期要修幾學分?
喬普拉?我據說他的口音很難明 翻譯社
marsha: you better decide fast—there’s a $50 late fee if you miss the deadline.
嘿,我 翻譯室友是母語人士耶。他還說喬普拉分數改得很嚴。
marsha: who told you that?
哇,正好在學分下限 翻譯社我在考慮修四十八學分。
別忘了,熱點課很快就會被選完 翻譯社假如你改變主意的話,還有兩個星期可以退選。
妳要上誰 翻譯機械人學?
marsha: well 翻譯公司 maybe his listening skills aren’t good enough. the reviews on the rate my professor website say he really knows his stuff.
marsha: thirty-six. i just submitted my registration online.
bradley: who are you gonna take robotics with?
國外評選成就 翻譯體式格局不是60或100分,而以品級辨別,施展闡發尚可是c、表現佳是b、顯示最優異是a 翻譯社若拿到d差不多就是低空飛過,拿到f則是不合格,這科要被當掉了。
bradley: yeah 翻譯公司 i know. i’m meeting with my advisor in an hour. i’m just worried my course load may be too heavy.
營養學分是指輕易拿高分的課程,是以英文就叫做easy a’s。有的老師給分很寬容,但也有那種魔鬼般嚴厲,分數錙銖必較,想拿高分得使出吃奶的氣力才行,這時候你可以跟學弟妹建議:that professor is a tough grader.(誰人傳授分數給得很嚴喔!)
marsha: good—i want to be challenged. i’m not looking for easy a’s anyway.
文章來自: https://udn.com/news/story/6904/1163642有關翻譯的問題歡迎諮詢華頓翻譯社